Maybe In Another Lifetime

I haven't blogged in much too long. I've been going into blog withdrawal and spending my days curled up in a ball in the corner of a black-and-white photograph. Yeah. That's how intense it is.

Okay, that might possibly be a little bit of a lie. I've actually been doing a lot lately, including productive activities such as watching movies and attending volleyball tournaments. I highly recommend There's Something About Mary. And I am the ultimate judge of humor, so take this recommendation with much import.

Ugh. I can't function without my iPod... I'm such a technaholic. They say that a hero is only as good as his weapon - I am only as good as my iPod, laptop, and cellphone. Continuing with the random hero metaphor, I'm going to apply my situation to that of the hero in a Greek tragedy. How epic am I?

Anyway... you might be wondering about why I don't have my iPod (you know you are - don't deny it!). It's because today at my volleyball tournament, someone else took it home because I have the exact same iPod as everyone - fourth generation purple nano. Yeah. I bet you have it too. Because everyone does. I think I'm going to paint mine with puffy paint to give it a little flavor.

Does anyone but me in the entire world listen to Eve 6? I think I might be the only one, ever. No one I ask has ever heard of them, which is ridiculous... I sort of thought they were popular. Interesting. Anyway, I especially like this one song of theirs, On the Roof Again. I learned two new words listening to that song - copasetic and hymen - only one of which is even remotely dirty. Listen to the song, and look up the words; your magnificent vocabulary will expand, right before your very eyes! *Launches into merry music-accompanied schpeal about how it only costs $19.99 and if you order now you can get a free toaster.*

You know, "schpeal" isn't a word. But I use it all the time... it's actually semi-absurd. I have way too many words like that - words that aren't real, but that I use anyway.

So, um... mazel tov, crazystairs.

Much Love,


Molly said...

I totally posted a comment on here a LOOOONG time ago, but it didn't save, because it's a whore.

My fury is abounding.

Anyways, if anyone does come and offer a prize for the very first commenter on my soon to be famous blog (so you say) then I will gladly vouch for you and say that you had THOUGHT about posting it first, therefore making you the CLEAR winner. :D

At first, I thought your picture was of the little girl socking Ronald McDonald in the face, and that was his rainbow blood... now I see it's hurl. I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh man, I totally just ruined the whole joke of the cartoon. ...Damn.

When people ask me why I go to a school for math and science when they are clearly not my forte, I give them a little notecard that explains the whole thing to them so I don't have to waste the precious oxygen in the air explaining to the dolts the situation.

Your boyfriend sounds AWESOME. I mean, really. If he's that sweet and wonderful to you, that's the greatest thing ever.

Love, Love, Love,

(My newest blog entry is very likely going to be extremely bitchy and angst-filled as only I can do it, so a warning to you...)

Jess said...

You're going to take over the world one day. I'm deadly serious.
I have no ipod! Yet. I believe I requested an orange 16Gb one in my other comment, so my ipod viginity should be lost any day now.
And schpeal is a word! I'm just not sure it's spelt like that. Maybe schpeel? Anyway, if we use it enough, it'll become real!
Enough of that schpeal then, adios!

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